E-Edu Govern
E-Edu Govern also helps in imparting Computer Literacy to all
Students (both Arts & Science).The courses are offered to them taking their
future into consideration by the college. Now-a-days academic results will not
help to face the challenging world. These courses will make our students more
valuable to others. The students also show great enthusiasm towards these
courses. These courses are offered at affordable fees.
Teaching and Learning Methodology
Each and every
module is explained and demonstrated using LC. The students are allowed to
practice the module that has been taught to them. At the end of the course
online examinations and practical examinations are conducted. The students are
graded depending upon their performance and certificate is issued accordingly.
The entire setup is working towards accomplishing our objective and the goal is
very much at our vicinity.
Staff in the Department are
Mrs. N.V.Vijayalakshmi , M.Sc.(IT),
M.Phil., (Head- In-Charge)
Mrs. V. Hema Malini, M.Sc.(IT),
M.Phil., MBA
Mrs. T. Ezhil Sindhu, M.Sc.(IT),
Mrs. M.Ezhilarasi, M.C.A, M.Phil.,
Mrs. S. Ramya, M.Sc.(IT)
Mrs. Priya, M.Phil., M.C.A
Mrs. Divya Sterlin, M.Phil., M.C.A