1. Candidates should carefully check their respective name, register number, subject codes and sign in the exam application form.If any error found should be brought immediately to the notice of COE.
2. Candidates should collect their Hall-tickets three working days before the commencement of the Examination from the Examination Committee.
Check the register number, subject codes and date of examination in the hall ticket.
3. The candidate should produce the hall ticket & ID card to the invigilator in the examination hall.
4. Before starting the examination candidates must verify the relevance of the question paper to their subject.
5. The candidates should write the correct Register Number and Subject code in their answer scripts, failing which, the examination taken by them will be cancelled.
6. No candidate will be allowed to write the examination, if caught indulging in a malpractice during the examination. The examination taken by such a candidate will be treated as cancelled and no re-examination will be conducted for
such a candidate under any circumstances. The particular result will be declared withheld.