1. Marks sheets of the respective semesters and Consolidated mark sheet (for final year students only) of successfully completed students are given to the departments.
2. Mark sheet and Consolidated marks sheet are printed with seven security features.
3. Provisionally qualified students database is uploaded through online entry in the University of Madras website in the month of July.
4. The University of Madras issues provisional and degree certificates.
5. Mark sheets, consolidated mark statement and Provisional certificates are dispersed to the students by the department faculty
6. Degree certificates and Rank Certificates are given at the time of convocation.
The requisition letter by the student towards issue of Duplicate Mark statement and consolidated mark sheet should be accompanied by the following:
i) A police certificate (FIR) issued by a police official duly signed by an Inspector or Sub-inspector, mentioning crime and occurrence sheet number and date.
ii) Fee for duplicate mark sheets.