Campus Tour
All growth depends on activity.There is no development,
physical or intellectual, without effort
and effort means work.
- Calvin Coolidge
The College campus scrolls across 10 acres of land. It has massive concrete structures
and adequate infrastructure for academic programmes and administrative functions.
The college houses more than 66 fully furnished classrooms, Computer Labs, Science
Labs, Photography lab, Preview theatre, Auditorium, Mini-Auditorium, Hostel, Indoor
Stadium, digital library, language laboratory, Audio-Visual a/c hall, state-of-the-art
Controller’s office, staff room with computers, intercom with internet connectivity,
canteen, ATM, photo copy room, stationery etc.,
Nature is a system of dynamic balances, where much importance is given to bio-diversity
in the present era and occasionally when a state of equilibrium has been disturbed,
nature always attempts to establish a new balance between the forces involved. Nature,
like a kind and smiling mother, lends her to our dreams and cherishes our fancies.
Our students’ ‘haven on earth’ conceptual Botanical and herbal garden proves that
this is an eco-friendly campus.
A proper blend of faith and reason will help us to
lead a virtuous life for the two are inseparables. With this objective, in our temple
of learning, we have a separate shrine for Lord Vigneshwara, a statue for Lord Krishna
- embodiment of power and Goddess Saraswathy - symbolizing intellectual pursuit
in the middle of our campus, welcoming all with a cheerful smile.
Lab Facilities
Physics Lab
Digital multimeter, Digital Audio Frequency Oscillator,Microprocessor kits, Microscope, IC power supply
and Audio Oscillator are some of the sophisticated instruments in the lab.
Chemistry Lab
Mechanical Stirrer, Digital Balance, Conductivity Bridge and Conductivity Cell, Analytical Balances,
Single Pan Balance, Clinical Chemistry Analyzer, Dry Bath Incubator, Micropipette Variable, Micropipette Fixed, Microscope
Binocular, Fume Exhaust Hood, Deep Vision Polarimeter, Hot Air Oven, Over Head Projector, Centrifuge Machine, Digital Balance,
Soil Testing and Milk Testing Kit, Water Testing Kit, Clinical Centrifuge, Suction Pump with Lines and Ice Making Machine are
some of the instruments in the lab.
Plant Biology & Plant Biotechnology - UG Lab
Digital Colony Counter, Digital Electronic Balance, Digital Calorimeter, PH Meter, Flame Photometer,
Laminar Airflow, LCD monitor, Laptop, Incubator and Shaker are some of
the sophisticated instruments in the lab.
Zoology Lab
Centrifuge, OHP, Hot plate, Hot air oven ,Microtome, Full Unit to measure muscle Twitch Salinometer,
Fridge, Soslet Apparatus are some of the sophisticated instruments in the lab
Plant Biology & Plant Biotechnology - PG Lab
Single Beam UV Specto-photometer, Reme Micro Centrifuge and Electronic Balance
are some of the sophisticated instruments in the lab.
Computer Labs
Our college has Computer labs have latest configuration sytems with internet connectivty.
There is also a Microprocessor lab with Digital and Micro Processor kits.
Visual Communication Lab
Nikon FM 10 ,D60 and D 70 DSLR cameras, Sony DV CAM Portable Camera- DSR-PD 170P,Macro lens, Telephoto lens, Sckonic L308S flashmeter,
Sony Home theatre, Nikon 8B flash, Nikon SB800 flash,Ad Photographic table, Dimable Cool Light(IAS 255, IAS 455,IAS655),
Yamaha Audio Mixing Console, Non-Linear Edit Suit, Preview Theatre, Dubbing Theatre with acoustics treatment are some of
the sophisticated instruments in the lab
Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics Lab
There are two labs namely Food Science Lab, Bio-Chemistry and Human Physiology lab.
A common research
room with computers and internet facility is available for research students. An exclusive instrumentation room is available for
research students of Physics, Chemistry, Plant Biology and
Plant Biotechnology. The equipments in the instrumentation room are
- HPLC - High Pressure Liquid Chromatography
- GC - Gas Chromatography
- FTIR - Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
- UV - Spectrophotometer
- cooling centrifuge
- PCR - Polymerase Chain Reaction
Culture Lab is also available for Plant Biology and plant biotechnology.
Library is the place where records of human thoughts and expression of creative
imagination are made freely available to all.
Computerised management of library operations, online retrieval of information,
saves the time of library users. Internet facility in the library helps staff
and students to collect information from the World Wide Web. Regularly updated
database of the library is available on the Online Public Access Catalogue
(OPAC).Thus, bibliographic information of the documents in the library is made
accessible throughout the college.
The college has an excellent library functioning on the Second
floor of the I.T. Block. Having started with a small number of 1000 books, now we have 36298 books, 160 Journals,
45 magazines and 10 newspapers that enable students to update their knowledge and develop them as good competitors.
Reprography, Full computerization, OPAC, CD Collections, bar coding, Internet browsing facilities, Xerox facilities and
scanning facilities are available in the Library.
The college has a Virtual Library with
24 hours Internet connectivity that is extensively being used by the students for projects,
power point presentations and to collect information through surfing.
College has a digital library which is accessible within the campus.
Library Workshop at SDNB Vaishnav College
Library and Information Centre of SDNB Vaishnav College for Women has conducted One day Workshop on ‘New Vistas in Library Process’.
Library and Information Centre of SDNB Vaishnav College for Women has conducted One day Workshop on ‘New Vistas in Library Process’. It was inaugurated by
Dr. Elavazhagan, K. Librarian and Chief Knowledge Officer, IIM, Trichy. He explained elaborately with regard to the advanced technologies in the libraries.
Dr.V.Sakthi Rekha, Librarian MSSW, Chennai, spoke on ‘An overview of Online Resources’ especially INFLIBNET.
Mr.Kaberulla Syed Riaz, Project Manager, Library Automation, Rapid Radio Solutions, Ahmedabad, said the importance of RFID Technology in the libraries.
Faculties, Librarians and Research Scholars from 35 Colleges participated and benefited in this Workshop.
Mr. S.Baskar, Chief Executive officer, Linuxpert systems, Chennai delivered the Valedictory address and briefly touched upon digitalization in the libraries and distributed the certificates to the participants
Indoor Stadium
Indoor stadium was inaugurated on 6.3.2014 by DR.K.ROSAIAH, His Excellency Governor of TamilNadu.
Chess, Table Tennis, Shuttle Badminton games are conducted in thd Indoor Stadium.
Hostel as a residential unit can develop community living, provide security especially for women students whose increasing
mobility to seek education is overwhemling. Keeping this in mind, the college has set up a hostel on campus for our students
with hi-tech facilities. Spacious, airy and ventilated rooms with adequate lighting and lush green lawns create a wonderful
ambience for the students staying here. It has a prayer hall with green stained glass exteriors, arching vaults, and
intricate marble works. Recreational quotient is also fulfilled by providing our students with the facilities of using TV,
play court , books etc. Special features of the Hostel are:
- Recreation Lounge
- Reading Hall
- Visitors Lounge
- Reverse Osmosis Mineral water plant